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Our retail arm use a variety of websites, in addition to our eBay account as the platforms for offering our goods to customers.

We boast 100% positive eBay feedback, doing our utmost to be fair, genuine, and provide a quality service. We use our eBay account for occasional clearance items. For more information please visit
The Malex Automotive eBay Shop


Our best known brand is AUTOartCollection, the UK's leading AUTOart

retailer. To browse and purchase our selection of AUTOart model cars and automotive related contemporary items, please visit


Like AUTOart, we also deal directly with OttOmobile, and as such run the 

OttO Shop, selling the highly detailed OttO models, at

A range of official Ford, Vauxhall and MG accessories, along with model cars, LEGO and automobilia items can be found at

Our selection of cherished plates can be seen at

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